How to Check the Health of a Torrent File in Torrent Pro App?

If you are using  Torrent Pro app to download files from the internet, you may want to know how healthy the torrent file. The health of a torrent file depends on the number of seeders, peers, leechers and availability ratio of the torrent. These factors affect the speed and reliability of your download.

To check the health of a torrent file in  Torrent Pro app, follow these steps:

Open the  Torrent Pro app and select the torrent file you want to check.

Tap on the torrent file where it’s take to details page . This will show you various information about the torrent, such as its size, files, trackers, comments and more.

Swipe left to go to the ‘STATE‘ tab. Here you can see the number of seeders, peers, leechers and availability ratio of the torrent.

Seeders are the users who have downloaded the entire file and are sharing it with others. Peers are the users who are downloading and uploading parts of the file. Leechers are the users who are downloading the file but not sharing it with others. Availability ratio is the percentage of the file that is available from all the sources.

A healthy torrent file has a high number of seeders, peers and availability ratio, and a low number of leechers. This means that there are many sources to download from and that the file is not likely to be corrupted or incomplete.

A unhealthy torrent file has a low number of seeders, peers and availability ratio, and a high number of leechers. This means that there are few sources to download from and that the file may be slow, unreliable or damaged.

By checking the health of a torrent file in  Torrent Pro app, you can decide whether to download it or not. You can also use this information to optimize your download settings, such as choosing a different tracker or adjusting your bandwidth limit.

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