How to Customize the Progress Bar in Torrent Pro App?

If you are a fan of torrenting, you might have heard of  Torrent Pro app, a powerful and versatile torrent client that offers many features and options. One of these features is the ability to customize the appearance of the download progress bar, which shows you how much of a file you have downloaded and how fast it is going.

The progress bar settings are located in the general section of the app’s settings menu. There, you can choose between two different styles of progress bar: a traditional horizontal bar or a circular style. The horizontal bar shows you the percentage of completion and the download speed file size and the remaining time., while the circular style shows you the percentage of completion and the download speed file size and the remaining in circular style

Both styles are visually appealing and easy to read, but you might prefer one over the other depending on your personal taste or mood. You can switch between them anytime you want, and enjoy a unique customization option that no other torrent client offers.   Torrent Pro app lets you personalize your torrenting experience and make it more fun and enjoyable.

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